High Speed NV Initiative

The recent COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how important universal access to high-speed, reliable broadband and a connected device is for work, education, healthcare, and civic participation. Access to high-quality broadband should no longer be considered a luxury. Essential government services, educational and economic opportunities, business services, telemedicine, public safety, and staying connected with family and friends are all increasingly reliant on broadband networks. While many Nevadans are unable to access the Internet due to lack of connectivity infrastructure, others are unable to access the Internet because they cannot afford it or do not have a computer or laptop. We cannot afford to leave any community, rural or urban, behind as we work to close the digital divide.

    The objective of the High Speed Nevada (HSNV) Initiative is universal access to modern broadband infrastructure that provides all Nevadans at their home or business access to an affordable, reliable, and scalable high-speed internet connection. While the federal government has allocated significant funds for broadband, needs in Nevada are also significant due to our geography, rough terrain, the remoteness of our population centers, and the lack of modern broadband infrastructure. The High Speed NV Initiative will combine federal, State, local, and private funding to begin to close the digital divide in Nevada and bring 21st Century infrastructure to every part of the state. The State will use available funds to invest in long-term, life-changing infrastructure assets that will benefit Nevadans in their homes, schools, and places of business for years to come.

      Although infrastructure is important, we know that if a family is unable to afford their Internet subscription, or doesn’t have a computer at home, they are just as unconnected as they would be in the most remote parts of our state. Affordability, access to a device, and ensuring digital literacy, collectively known as digital equity, are essential parts of the HSNV. OSIT will work diligently to promote and enroll as many Nevadans as we can in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

        The success of the HSNV Initiative will be built on robust local community engagement and input. Over the last six years, OSIT has established Broadband Actions Teams in every county throughout Nevada and, since the start of the pandemic, has engaged with local government and other community leaders in each county to identify and prioritize connectivity needs. OSIT plans to redouble its outreach efforts to create statewide infrastructure and digital equity plans that meet federal BEAD and Digital Equity funding guidelines. All investments will lead to a reliable and affordable Internet connection that will scale to meet Nevadans’ needs for bandwidth now and long into the future.

          The High Speed Nevada Five-Year Action Plan establishes Nevada’s vision for broadband deployment and digital equity, the goals and objectives, and the priorities, strategies, and activities the State will take to realize our vision.Please read the plan here.

            High Speed NV Initiative Phase I

            The goal of Phase I of HSNV is to build an infrastructure and digital equity foundation leading to the success of the BEAD Program and the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program.

              • Fiber to Government Facilities and Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs)- In Phase I, OSIT will build fiber to selected unserved and underserved State and local government facilities, schools, and libraries. This project has two goals. First, the fiber will provide better connectivity to government facilities and CAIs to provide essential services to students, families, clients, constituents, and patrons. Second, OSIT desires to extend fiber deeper into the ecosystem in preparation for bringing BEAD dollars to serve unserved and underserved residential and business locations and CAIs. Click Here to learn more about the Phase I Project.
              • Train the Trainer- Enrollment in the ACP is an integral part of OSIT’s affordability strategy. Many government and non-profit organizations already interact with ACP-eligible households while providing case management and other services. OSIT will provide training to local governments, case workers, social service agencies, and other community-based organizations that work with and provide services to ACP-eligible households so they understand the ACP eligibility criteria and enrollment process and can offer ACP enrollment assistance to clients that are already seeking other services.
              • ACP Enrollment Events- OSIT has mapped ACP enrollment by zip code. This analysis has shown that some zip codes have very high enrollment rates while others have very low enrollment rates. Low enrollment is both a function of lack of awareness and a need for assistance with the enrollment process. OSIT will hire Digital Navigators to partner with community partners to increase awareness and enrollment rates in targeted zip codes.
              • Craft Workforce Development Plan- OSIT prioritizes the hiring and use of Nevada workers. OSIT believes that an educational pipeline is needed to create a skilled, diverse workforce needed to complete BEAD and other infrastructure projects. A range of short- and medium-term strategies are needed to create equitable on-ramps to broadband related jobs. OSIT will continuously engage community-based and labor groups, Nevada’s Workforce Development Boards, Community Colleges, and other stakeholders to ensure worker voice is maintained and the impacts of the State’s workforce development program are widely felt.

                High Speed NV Initiative Phase II

                In Phase II, OSIT will continue to lay groundwork for BEAD and Digital Equity programs while also beginning deployments to serve some of Nevada’s most vulnerable populations.

                • Construct the Nevada Middle Mile Network- OSIT will design, construct, and operate a 1,000-mile middle mile network. This open-access middle-mile network will significantly expand network capacity throughout urban, suburban, and rural regions across Nevada. Operated on a non-discriminatory basis, the network will support interconnections with any provider seeking access to deliver last-mile broadband services, including those funded by BEAD. The network will regional network redundancy and resiliency, both for networks that serve last-mile residential areas and for government and community anchor institutions.
                • Tribal Connectivity- OSIT will seek to leverage NTIA’s Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) to increase connectivity, affordability, adoption, and digital equity in Nevada’s Tribal lands. During Round II of TBCP, OSIT will continue to provide technical assistance to its Tribal partners and will assist Tribes that won infrastructure grants in Round I to apply for adoption and use funding, to assist Tribes that won planning grants in Round I to apply for infrastructure and adoption and use grants, and to assist Tribes that have not applied yet to apply for both infrastructure and adoption and use grants.
                • Digital Equity Partner Asset Mapping and Development- During the preparation of its Statewide Digital Equity Plan, OSIT created a Digital Equity Ecosystem Mapping (DEEM) tool. During Phase II and prior to awarding Digital Equity Capacity Program grants, OSIT will continue to grow its Digital Equity Partner Asset Map, begin to evaluate potential Partners for grant readiness, and offer technical assistance to interested Partners to improve readiness for grant awards.
                • Device Access Program- OSIT will work with stakeholders to develop and launch a device access program that will deliver low-to-no-cost devices to those that qualify.
                • Workforce Development- OSIT will launch its workforce development program to create a pipeline of highly skilled Nevadans ready to close the digital divide.

                  High Speed NV Initiative Phase III

                  In Phase III of the High Speed NV Initiative, OSIT will begin last-mile infrastructure deployment and will accelerate work with local partners to improve digital equity. Providers interested in learning about funding opportunities should complete OSIT’s Broadband Service Provider Questionnaire. Completion of the questionnaire will add the provider to OSIT’s mailing listserv for additional information and updates.


                    Please direct all inquiries to HighspeedNV@gov.nv.gov


                      To find more infomation please email us at: highspeedNV@gov.nv.gov

                        Nevada SLFRF Subrecipient User Guide 07/01/2024

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