
The Office of Science, Innovation and Technology (OSIT) was created in 2015 as Nevada’s “people strategy” to support Nevada’s economic development strategy.


STEM: to coordinate and align efforts by K-12 and higher education, workforce development, and employers to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and STEM workforce development so that Nevada’s workforce can meet the demands of its growing economy.

BROADBAND: To coordinate the planning, mapping, and procurement of broadband to ensure connectivity across Nevada for schools, libraries, hospitals, clinics and communities meets national standards.


A pathway to success for every Nevadan.


NRS 223.600 establishes the Office of Science, Innovation and Technology in the Office of the Governor.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Increase the number of schools at all levels in Nevada delivering high-quality STEM education leading to increases in student proficiency, enrollment, attainment rates in STEM-focused coursework and programs, and employment in STEM-related careers in Nevada. 
  2. Increase the number of Nevadans with some form of STEM-related postsecondary degree/credential/certificate in order to better meet the needs of employers. 
  3. Increase awareness of opportunities in STEM amongst students, teachers, families, and businesses. 
  4. Increase the percent of cities, libraries and schools connected with broadband. 
  5. Increase the percent of Nevadans that have access to broadband at speeds that meet national benchmarks. 
  6. By 2025, connect all rural hospitals, health clinics, and state correctional facilities to a broadband connection sufficient to provide telehealth services.

Current Projects


  • Creating new postsecondary STEM workforce development programs that meet employers’ needs
  • Providing innovative supports to Nevada’s most important STEM workforce: K-12 teachers and administrators
  • Supporting the attainment of STEM-focused industry-recognized credentials and work-based learning opportunities for high school students
  • Recognizing K-12 students and schools for their excellence in STEM education and STEM schools
  • Increasing interest and awareness of STEM careers
  • Assisting schools and libraries to apply for federal broadband funding
  • Providing grants to connect schools to faster internet speeds
  • Working with rural communities to develop whole community connectivity plans
  • Developing partnerships to increase the use of telemedicine in hospitals, health clinics, and correctional facilities



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