STEAM Subcommittee


The STEAM Subcommittee (formerly known as the Integrating Arts & Culture into STEM subcommittee) is a civic advisory working group and permanent subcommittee of the Nevada STEM Advisory Council, consisting of both Arts & STEM professionals and community advocates committed to supporting arts integration across all disciplines of study.


    The STEAM subcommittee is supporting professional development programs for preK-college educators, increasing access to high quality STEAM opportunities for students throughout the state, and targeting stated goals put forth by the Nevada Office of Science, Innovation, and Technology.

      STEAM Subcommittee

      STEAM Subcommittee Contact

      Tracey Howard
      100 North Stewart Street, Suite 220
      Carson City, Nevada 89701
      Telephone: (775) 687-0989
      Fax: (775) 687-0990

        Contact Information for Meetings

        Debbie Petrelli
        100 North Stewart Street, Suite 220
        Carson City, Nevada 89701
        Telephone: (775) 687-0987
        Fax: (775) 687-0990


          The STEAM Subcommittee has authored a position paper on STEAM education, including a working definition and guiding principles for Nevada, to be presented for community feedback at the NV STEAM Conference, at Nevada Museum of Art, on February 24th. A final version of the paper will be presented by the STEAM Subcommittee as recommendations to the Nevada STEM Advisory Council later this Summer.

            Documents, Publications & Reports
