Archived Meetings

2018 STEM Advisory Council Meetings

Physical location Originating Site | Call in to teleconference Teleconference remote site | Remote viewing of conference online Video Conference remote site | View events and/or documents online View Online
STEM Advisory Council
3:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue, Las Vegas NV 89101 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
STEM_AC-Agenda-8-30-18STEM_AC-DRAFT-Minutes-8-30-18STEM_AC-Final-Minutes-8-30-18STEM-subcommittee_White-Paper-03-30-18CP-subcommittee_Manual- May 2018ISLE-Logic-ModelRegional STEM Hubs-Slides
STEM Advisory Council
04:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
STEM Advisory Council
03:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, (Boardroom 1st Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue, Las Vegas NV 89101 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
Agenda_STEM-AC-1-30-18DRAFT Minutes- STEM-AC-01-30-18FINAL Minutes- STEM-AC-01-30-18NGSS White PaperISLE White PaperSTEM Teacher of the YR-Nomination-Application.2018NV Advsry Cncil_Partnership Manual_v04Subcommittee Proposal

 2017 STEM Advisory Council Meetings

Physical location Originating Site | Call in to teleconference Teleconference remote site | Remote viewing of conference online Video Conference remote site | View events and/or documents online View Online
STEM Advisory Council Meeting
03:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue, Las Vegas NV 89101 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
Agenda- STEM AC 9-18-17Agenda-STEM AC 9-18-17 (REV)DRAFT-Minutes-STEM-AC09-18-17FINAL-Minutes-STEM-AC09-18-17K-5-STEM-Grants(Draft)nevada_k-12_stem_challengeOSIT_170741_STEM_Advisory_Council_Logo_FSchool Recognition RubricSTEM School Recognition Application FormStrategic-Plan-Matrix
STEM Advisory Council "In Person" Meeting - Las Vegas
10:00 AM
originate - Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington Ave, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 -
video - Nevada State Library & Archives, 100 N. Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Carson City, NV 89701 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
7/7/2017 Agenda STEM Advisory Council7/7/2017 Draft Minutes STEM AC7/7/2017 Final Minutes STEM AC7/7/2017 A STEM Strategic Plan for Nevada Final7/7/2017 Nevada K-12 STEM Challenge7/7/2017 STEM Legislative Update7/7/2017 STEM School Designation Process.7/7/2017 Strategic Plan Matrix7/7/2017 Concept Paper ISLE7/7/2017 Community Partnerships.PP7/7/2017 Community Partnerships Matrix
STEM Advisory Council Meeting
3:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
4/18/2017 Agenda STEM AC4/18/2017 DRAFT Minutes STEM AC4/18/2017 Final Minutes STEM AC4/18/2017 A STEM Strategic Plan for Nevada Final
STEM Advisory Council Meeting
04:30 PM
phone - 100 North Stewart Street, Ste 220 Carson City, NV 89701 -
2/2/2017 DRAFT(Cancelled) Agenda STEM AC2/2/2017 (DRAFT) A STEM Strategic Plan for Nevada (4.0)
STEM Advisory Council Meeting
03:00 PM
originate - Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington Ave, Suite 5100, Las Vegas, NV -
video - Nevada State Library and Archives 100 N. Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Carson City, NV -
1/11/2017 AgendaDRAFT Minutes from Nov 16, 2016 Meeting - for approval1/11/2017 Approved Minutes STEM AC1/11/2017 ASTEM Strategic Plan for Nevada (2.0)

2016 STEM Advisory Council Meetings

Physical location Originating Site | Call in to teleconference Teleconference remote site | Remote viewing of conference online Video Conference remote site | View events and/or documents online View Online
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
03:00 PM
video - 100 N. Stewart Street,Carson City Nevada Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Nevada State Library and Archives - Carson City -
originate - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue - Las Vegas -
Agenda_STEM.MTG.11.16.16DRAFT_Minutes_STEM.MTG_11.16.16Final Minutes_STEM MTF_11-16-16STEM Strategic Plan Outline 4.E.ASTEM Strategic Plan Outline 4.E.A_with editsCollege of Education-College of Science.UNR Meeting Hand-outMaterials World Modules_UNR_Meeting HandoutWMW Interative.UNR_Meeting-HandoutWCM-Discussion_UNR_Meeting Handout
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
3:00 pm
originate - 100 N. Stewart Street,Carson City Nevada Conference Room C ( 2nd Floor) Nevada State Library and Archives -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue -
Agenda October 12, 2016 DRAFT_Minutes_STEM_10.12.16Final-Minutes-STEM-10-12-16A STEM Strategic Plan for NevadaSTEMworks Overworks Subcommittee Options OSIT Presentation to SBE Broadband
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
2:00 PM
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
02:00 PM
originate - Blasdel Building 209 E Musser Street, Room 105, Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant’s Collaboration Code: 70987 -
STEM AC_Agenda_7-25-16 STEM-AC_DRAFT_Minutes-7-25-16STEM-AC_FINAL-Minutes-7-25-16The Last Word DocExpectancies Values & Academic BehaviorSTEM Survey DataDraft Strategic Plan Outline STEM & ESSA Presentation
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting (In-Person) Reno
10:00 AM
originate - Nevada Discovery Museum 490 S Center St, Reno, NV 89501 -
STEM AC-Agenda-6-24-16STEM AC-DRAFT-Minutes-6-24-16RFP for Fiscal Agent STEM Advisory Council  RFP from the Public Education Foundation
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
2:00 PM
originate - Blasdel Building 209 E Musser Street, Room 105, Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant’s Collaboration Code: 70987 -
Agenda to follow
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
02:00 PM
originate - Blasdel Building 209 E Musser Street, Room 105, Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant’s Collaboration Code: 70987 -
STEM-AC-Agenda-4-25-16STEM-AC-DRAFT-Minutes-4-25-16Solicitation for the Nevada STEM Advisory Council Fiscal AgentSTEM Marketing Plan Draft NEVADA GOVERNOR'S STEM SCHOOL APPLICATIONSTEM Survey Pilot Summary NSF
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
02:00 PM
originate - Blasdel Building 209 E Musser Street, Room 105, Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue -
STEM-AC-Agenda-3-28-16STEM-AC-DRAFT-Minutes-03-28-16Draft Survey Nevada Ready 21 (NDOE)Nevada Ready 21 - All about the learningNevada Next Generation Science Standards pamphletNGSSOverview
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
2:00 PM
originate - Blasdel Building 209 E. Musser Street, Room 105 Carson City Nevada 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue Las Vegas -
STEM-AC_Agenda_2-22-16STEM-AC_DRAFT Minutes_2-22-16Draft minutes with attachmentsK Computer Science briefing
STEM Advisory Council Monthly Meeting
02:00 PM
originate - State Capitol Building Annex, Guinn Room (2nd Floor), 101 North Carson Street - Carson City
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue - Las Vegas
STEM AC-Agenda-1-25-16STEM-AC-Minutes-1-25-16Agenda Item 7Agenda Item 6Agenda Item 6 DETR Handout

2015 STEM Advisory Council Meetings 

Physical location Originating Site | Call in to teleconference Teleconference remote site | Remote viewing of conference online Video Conference remote site | View events and/or documents online View Online
STEM Advisory Council
08:00 AM
originate - Battle Born Conference Room - 700 E. Fifth St - Carson City -
video - Bristlecone Conference Room - 9890 Maryland Pkwy,Suite 221 - Las Vegas -
STEM Advisory Council
09:00 AM
originateBoard Room - 700 E. Fifth Street - Carson City
videoBoard Room - 9890 Maryland Parkway, Suite 221 - Las Vegas

2014 STEM Advisory Council Meetings

Physical location Originating Site | Call in to teleconference Teleconference remote site | Remote viewing of conference online Video Conference remote site | View events and/or documents online View Online
2014 STEM Advisory Council Meetings
STEM Advisory Council Public Meeting
09:00 AM
originateRm. 106 - 700 E Fifth St - Carson City
videoMain Board Room - 9890 Maryland Pkwy- Suite 221 - Las Vegas
STEM AC-Agenda-10-1-14AgendaSTEM AC- DRAFT-Minutes-10-1-14Survey Data PilotNevada STEM Program Recognition Rubric K-12Nevada STEM Student Recognition DraftSupport Materials
STEM Advisory Council Public Meeting
10:00 AM
originateMain Board Room - 700 E. Fifth Street - Carson City
videoMain Board Room - 9890 Maryland Pkwy-Suite 221 - Las Vegas
STEM AC_Agenda-7-31-14STEM AC_FINAL-Minutes-7-31-14STEM Program Recognition RubricNS STEM Student RecognitionSurvey for SchoolsLayered_Strategic_Plan_with_proposed_EdTr_Subc_changes
STEM Advisory Council - Public Meeting
originateRoom 106 - 700 E Fifth Street - Carson City
videoSuite 5400 - 555 E. Washington Ave - Las Vegas
STEM AC-Agenda 4-28-14STEM AC-FINAL-Minutes-4-28-14Brookings NV STEM_4-28-14NV STEM Prospectus_4-28-14
STEM Advisory Council - Public Meeting
9:00 a.m.
originate - Nevada Dept of Education, 700 E. Fifth Street, Rm 106, Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - NV Dept of Education, 9890 Maryland Pakey, Ste 221, Las Vegas, NV 89163 -
Agenda_STEM AC-2-14-14Minutes_STEM AC-2-14-14