2018 STEM Advisory Council Meetings

Physical location Originating Site | Call in to teleconference Teleconference remote site | Remote viewing of conference online Video Conference remote site | View events and/or documents online View Online
STEM Advisory Council
3:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue, Las Vegas NV 89101 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
STEM_AC-Agenda-8-30-18STEM_AC-DRAFT-Minutes-8-30-18STEM_AC-Final-Minutes-8-30-18STEM-subcommittee_White-Paper-03-30-18CP-subcommittee_Manual- May 2018ISLE-Logic-ModelRegional STEM Hubs-Slides
STEM Advisory Council
04:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, Conference Room C (2nd Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
STEM Advisory Council
03:00 PM
originate - 100 North Stewart Street, (Boardroom 1st Floor) Nevada State Library & Archives Carson City, NV 89701 -
video - Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Suite 5100, 555 East Washington Avenue, Las Vegas NV 89101 -
phone - If you are unable to join the meeting in person, please use the following numbers: Carson City: 775-687-0999 Las Vegas: 702-486-5260 Participant's Collaboration Code: 70987 push # -
Agenda_STEM-AC-1-30-18DRAFT Minutes- STEM-AC-01-30-18FINAL Minutes- STEM-AC-01-30-18NGSS White PaperISLE White PaperSTEM Teacher of the YR-Nomination-Application.2018NV Advsry Cncil_Partnership Manual_v04Subcommittee Proposal