STEM Workforce Talent Pipeline Development Grant Round III

OSIT, through STEM Workforce Talent Pipeline Grants, seeks to strengthen partnerships between industry, secondary education, and postsecondary education and workforce development resulting in sustainable training programs that provide in-demand, industry-recognized STEM training, skills, and credentials to students and lead to full-time jobs in STEM industries. The overarching goals of the grant program are to:

    1. Increase the number of students that earn STEM industry-recognized credentials shortly after high school graduation leading to entry-level employment in high-skill, high-wage, in-demand STEM industry sectors;
    2. Create a seamless transition from high school to postsecondary education that leads to increased STEM credential attainment among all students, but especially those students from underrepresented groups;
    3. Create sustainable and scalable models of secondary + postsecondary + industry partnerships that create talent pipelines to meet the needs of industry within the region; and
    4. Create systemic change by improving partnerships between colleges, school districts, and regional employers.

      Applicants were required to form a consortium made up of the following three entities: 1) a public high school or public school district, 2) a public or private postsecondary workforce development or education institution or provider, and 3) at least one employer. The consortium will work together to leverage their collective resources and those of the grant to develop a STEM Talent Pipeline. Employer partners are required to offer a job interview to each program completer.

        More information on the structure of the program can be found in the Request for Applications document linked below.

          Grant Information

          None Awarded.


              Tracey Howard
              680 W. Nye Lane, Suite 104
              Carson City, Nevada 89703
              Telephone: (775) 687-0989