GME Task Force History

Recommendations to the Governor

The Graduate Medical Education Task Force (Task Force), established pursuant to Executive Order 2015-30, is charged with providing recommendations to the Governor on how best to distribute the fundsallocated by the Nevada State Legislature towards improving Graduate Medical Education (GME) in Nevada. The Legislature appropriated $5 million for this purpose in each year of the biennium. The Task Force met three times from January to May. In its initial meeting in January, the Task Force convened to consider its charge and develop a plan to allocate the funding. The Task Force decided to create a competitive process with institutions responding to a Request for Applications (RFA) developed by the State. Members discussed criteria for funding that should be included in the RFA including applicant eligibility criteria, approved uses of funding and desired information about proposed programs. Staff created a draft RFA which the Task Force reviewed and approved at its February meeting. A copy of the RFA is included as Attachment A. The RFA was posted on the Office of Science, Innovation and Technology (OSIT) website and was distributed widely to the State’s schools of medicine, hospitals and clinics, and other interested parties. Applications were due by April 15, 2016.