NV Connect Kids Initiative

About the Nevada Connect Kids Initiative

The Nevada Connect Kids was created to increase broadband Internet access, adoption, and use across the state. As part of the Initiative, the Governor announced an investment of $2 million for a state matching fund to ensure schools have the infrastructure they need to access high-speed broadband.

The Office of Science, Innovation, and Technology will administer and manage the fund in order to draw down additional federal funding to assist school districts and libraries with their network upgrades.

  • Connect Kids-A(final)
  • connect kids- .6.
  • Connect Kids-B(final)

How Does E-Rate Fit Into The Nevada Connect Kids Initiative?

In order to meet the goals of the initiative, the state of Nevada must increase the amount of E-rate funding for which we apply. OSIT plans to work with districts to:

  • Increase the percentage of federal broadband funding requests approved.
  • Increase the amount of federal broadband funding Nevada receives.
  • Expand access to broadband to all corners of the State of Nevada. 
  • Ensure every Nevada student meets the 2014 FCC connectivity standard and at the same time “future proof” so as demands increase, the FCC connectivity standards will still be met in years to come. 


Brian Mitchell
680 W. Nye Lane, Suite 104
Carson City, Nevada 89703
(775) 687-0987

NV E-rate Information

NV Connect Kids Grants