Capital Projects Fund

The Capital Projects Fund (CPF), part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), provides $10 billion nationally and $135 million to Nevada to fund critical broadband capital projects that enable work, education, and health monitoring in response to the public health emergency. Together with State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and State funds, Nevada's CPF dollars will move the State closer to its goal of universal access to high speed internet that is affordable, reliable, and scalable. Nevada's CPF plans are a part of the larger High Speed Nevada Initiative- a $500 million statewide effort to deploy broadband infrastructure and digital equity programming that will help close the digital divide. Information on Nevada's Capital Projects Fund Programs can be found below.

    The Northern Nevada Middle Mile Program Overview

    Program Objective: To build interconnectivity infrastructure linking rural unserved population centers with Internet Exchange facilities in order to provide affordable and scalable Internet to households.

      Total Funding Allocated: $73,657,979

        Funding Source: Capital Projects Fund, American Rescue Plan Act, US Treasury

          Estimated Number of Households Affected: 42,500

            Project Timeline: 2023-2026

              Project Locations: Northern Nevada

                Project Need: Many rural residents in Northern Nevada are unable to access affordable, reliable, and scalable high-speed broadband because local providers that wish to serve these residents have few options to obtain the middle mile transport bandwidth they require. After meeting with community, government, and private provider stakeholders, OSIT determined that without affordable middle mile infrastructure, last-mile fiber-to-the-home subsidies alone would not result in fast and affordable internet options for these Nevadans.

                  Project Summary: The Northern Nevada Middle Mile program focuses on unserved and underserved areas along the rural portion of the I-80 corridor in Northern Nevada, stretching the entire width of the state. The program will build ubiquitous, open access, middle mile infrastructure along the I-80 route with robust, redundant pathways to major internet exchange points, a range of lit middle mile services offered at affordable pricing comparable to that available in metropolitan areas, and long-term dark fiber IRUs available to competing companies. OSIT estimates that the project will result in improved access for approximately 42,500 rural locations. For more information about this project, please visit the Middle Mile page of our website.

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